"Never Alone for Christmas" follows the whimsical misadventures of Lauren and Miles, a young couple who decide to call off their wedding just as the holiday season begins. While Christmas has always held a special place in their hearts, they find themselves unexpectedly facing a yuletide alone.
Fate takes a curious twist when they both, c
"Never Alone for Christmas" follows the whimsical misadventures of Lauren and Miles, a young couple who decide to call off their wedding just as the holiday season begins. While Christmas has always held a special place in their hearts, they find themselves unexpectedly facing a yuletide alone.
Fate takes a curious twist when they both, coincidently, attend the same enchanting Cajun Christmas retreat. The kicker? They each bring new companions along for the ride, setting the stage for a holiday season filled with laughter, love, and unexpected surprises.
Written & Directed by Kenny Young
Produced by Ned Nalle, Phil James
Never Alone For Christmas Movie
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